Adam Hartz

Software Engineer

I currently code in PHP at work and also really enjoy programming in Python—which I learned at The Iron Yard, Durham. These are some projects that I completed in the Python Engineering course.

Brew Keeper

Web app to create, brew, refine, store notes on, and share coffee recipes. (Final Project)

As the originator of this web app's concept, I served as the project manager over the allotted 5-sprint, 3-week window. Utilizing the Agile method, we did a stand-up each day to effectively coordinate our efforts. Among other work on the API, I built the routers, serializers, and views that dealt with most of the models. I also generated mock-ups for the list, detail, and brew pages for the site using InDesign and Illustrator.


Time: 20 days

Collaborators: Shay Hall (FEE), David White (FEE), and Kathleen Rauh (Python)

Python Tools: Django, Django REST API framework, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Travis-CI, DRF Nested Routers, Django CORS Headers, requests, nose, Mailgun

Full Site:

API Wiki: Development Notes

GitHub: Brew Keeper

URLy Bird

Web app with URL-shortening functionality.

We worked very quickly and had "normal mode" covered by Saturday, giving us time to focus on polishing up the layout and bootstrap implementation.


Time: 3.5 days

Collaborator: Tyler Kotkin (Python)

Python Tools: Django, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap 3, Heroku

Full Site:

GitHub: URLy Bird

Other Selected Projects